Tuesday, October 05, 2010

weighty issues

yes, as the title suggests this post is all about weight issues. who's? mine!
my brother had once very beautifully written about my battle with my weight, way back when orkut was the "in" thing and having meaningful testimonials was the ultimate need. he'd said, "she'd be perfect if only she could get herself motivated to do something about her biggest problem-her weight". it's funny and embarrassing to admit that it's still true.
a friend tonight very crisply showed me the root of the problem for me. her(very true) observation is that I can eat whenever and whatever I feel like irrespective of hunger! till a few moments after she said it, I could've counted eating as my best time pass and hobby-I love food!
I love all aspects of food! I love to cook, I love to shop for gourmet foods, I love to go shop for vegetables cause I can imagine having them for dinner soon, I can watch cookery shows, I love to experiment with food and I love food! when i qualified for xl and it was time for me to leave home, i went to a book store to buy myself a book-I shortlisted 3books out of which the one i finally picked is titled "The Virago Book of Eating". how much more can i say?
so tonight, sitting at bishuda(midnight food haven), while i gorged on french toast, my friend muddled up the courage to tell me the real reason why I am fat-cause I eat randomly-whenever and whatever. so touched as i was by the concern n the dawn(i keep forgeting, or keep making myself forget) of this knowledge, i sulked. a little. i closed the open box of cookies on my desk and decided to be better at it. then i started writing this entry and just writing about food has cheered me up!
so maybe i'm fat. ok, no maybe, i am fat. but atleast i'm happy!
ok, so sometimes happiness should also be derived from external things like two dress sizes smaller, and it must be time for me to try. again :)

1 comment:

silent assassin said...

finally someone who can be honest abt things without having qualms abt it! patli to ho hi jaegi! :D if you have cracked the code to happiness...weight loss shud be a piece of cake :P