Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Saying goodbyes...

Past day and a half I've been more than cranky, highly sarcastic and in short having a major uncontrolled mood swing. No reason why. Atleast none I can point fingers at.
One big contributor to my self induced misery is me cleaning out my wardrobe to make way for the huge bunch I've gotten home from the hostel. No there isn't space in my cupboard to keep em all. Yes I've worn every single one of them atleast once. 

That's the thing. The atleast once bit. There are so many clothes in my cupboard I haven't worn more than once yet I couldn't throw. I'll slim down to fit in properly. There'll be an occassion to wear it again soon. It's winter fabric in a summer style. Just few of my reasons to never let go. These were the first to go today. I swooped'em clean. I still looked longingly as if I'd miraculously find a slimming potion and a social life to match. Bah!

The toughest were the ones I've worn so much they've worn thin! The pain in letting my favourite purple shirt go coz it now has little nail holes in it and my parents wouldn't let me wear it outside of this house. Not even in the hostel. The heartache of letting the favourite summer dress go because I was being cruel to me. I'm highly masochistic and I keep doing this to myself ever so often. The most worn pair of ill-fitting shorts because well, they're ill fitting! And so many more clothes I love. Loved.

So how did I do it? There's a pattern I recognised. These loved pieces of clothing hadn't been worn in the past two years I wasn't home. I'd gotten used to a new set of clothes that made my wardrobe in XL. So I could give these away with less pain. The thing is I'd be able to give away my XL clothes far more easily but that's coz I don't love any of them at all! Something about being a child and an adut.

It's not surprising I use this same philosophy everytime I have to say goodbye. I guess most people do. The longer you're out of sight, the easier you are to get out of mind. That's how I live. I never say goodbye. If you're meant to remain in my life, I'll meet you, call you, email you whatever. If you aren't, you wouldn't even remember me.