Monday, December 11, 2006

love to die for?

Q:what does nitish katara, abhishek mishra and most of our hindi film heroes have in common?A: they fell in love with a big shots girl. and had no qualms about standing up for their hearts

Q: what do they not have in common?
A: unlike the hindi movie hero who is some superman in disguise and can bloody hell fight the whole system, our two other guys never got the chance to. they were simply gotten rid off.

Q: what do we learn?
A: love aint made to be.

i aint all that skeptical n cynical for nothing. the recent turn of events though has touched me. what i see happening actually makes me wonder, can love actually survive the barriers that our standings in this hypocritical bunch of people called society create?what do u do when u fall in love with someone u can never have? and how can u be so sure that u'll never have them, when all ur books and movies and "supportive" people tell u taht love has its way? its gets tougher when u have all the right signals coming from the other side.

my anguish is not over lost love, but over weaklings who cant even stand up for their love. family pressure is understandable but it didnt come up overnight did it? how can you take a stand and then when you are cornered , u break down? i know family matters, i know those alive are more precious than those who died loving u. but r they?

all that makes me hold myself is the fact that at least they died believing their love to be strong. maybe love did have its way, just the one we thought it'll take

Thursday, December 07, 2006

life, or smth like it

the previous post, which i have deleted, got a lot of people on high alert. it made me feel much better, made me feel there are people who care for me in their own sweet ways. thnx buddies! what would i do without u guys?

the perspectives on fighting my ghosts has made me realise that evryone has them, i'm not the only one. kind of makes u feel a group of similiar shit. shit happen and we all have havta deal with it. somehow its how we deal with it tat makes all the difference.

the complexities of emotions a real study. one moment u're sharing a cuppa coffee and the next ur life...some connections are always there to come up when u most need them

Saturday, November 25, 2006


eventually i'll post smth useful here. i hope to make it my portal of study of the people arnd me n wat i think of situations.
till then