Top of the mind recall on a pretty friday morning-Top 5reasons I should not work from home!
Reason No1: The papers being referred to and being worked on are found crumpled the morning after(because I slept on them!).
Reason No2: The laptop will not connect to the internet and then I find innovative ways to mail things using Bluetooth and GPRS! (crazy techie people)
Reason No3: The idea factory is slow and drowsy
Reason No4: The above mentioned papers get left behind at home because everything else that is BIG and BLACK (read laptop and diary) get picked up and stuffed in the bag hurrily while the poor souls of scribbled notes get left behind.
Reason No5: The mind gets accustomed to working in such a lazy, comfy fashion with pillows all around and a sprawled out me! Office chairs seem too upright post that!
The last point is aptly described below thanks to Homer :)